Monday, March 18, 2019

With Gratitude

It was five years ago, on the third Monday of March, 2014, that we kicked off our first challenge right here at Aurora Wings Challenge Blog.  I had thought about having a challenge blog about 2 years prior to that, but I had no idea how to go about setting one up, let alone running one, so I sat on the idea as a side project for a while.  Eventually, enough people asked ... and some offered their help, and after a little bit of thinking, this blog was born.  I really had no idea what to expect, or how long it would go on at the time of the conception, but all was well, and the best part, ... everything was exciting and a lot of fun.

Oh, look!  I was able to find the very first challenge banner on my desktop.
By now, I think you already have a pretty good idea of what I'm about to say after reading that opening.  It's kind of weird and even a little bit surreal to be writing this post, but...

We are closing AWCB.

There I said it.  Just as I told the news of my decision to the fabulous designers that I have been so lucky to have worked with, I did not come to this decision lightly or on a whim.  I'm too old (and my personality would not allow me) to be impulsive in most any decision making processes.  But the changing time (and I'm not talking about the clock change for summer time here, either) has brought shifts in many areas - from popularity of blogs in general to crafting trends.  The fact a lot of my fellow digi artists had already closed down their challenge blogs (and in some cases, their businesses all together) did not go unnoticed by me, and I'm sure many of you have taken notice of that as well.

So, this is AWCB's official farewell post.  But I want to make a few things very clear to you.

I'm NOT closing Aurora Wings shops.
The AW Showcase Blog will continue as before.
Our Facebook group will also continue as before.
AW monthly newsletter will be sent out as before.
Please keep an eye out for contests and special events.

I wanted to make sure there's no confusion there.  No, I'm not having a 'going out of business' sale.  Nope.  Although, I can tell you about a local craft store that used to be in my town, that was in a habit of having such event annually because every time they had one, they made enough money to stay in business for another year at the mall.  At one point, their banner at the shop entrance read '30th Annual ...', and it was just funny.  But I digress...

The main reason I'm writing this post today is because I wanted to thank and acknowledge all the awesome designers and the guest designers that I got to work with during the 5 years of fun.  I'm particularly honored to have two very special ladies who have been with me since the very beginning of the challenge blog - Donna and Debbie.  They gave me the sense of stability and family by always being there and creating one knock-out inspiration after another, challenge after challenge.  I don't think I would have been able to stick with the AWCB for this long without their presence, as I'm a Taurus and love things calm and stable.  

Thank you, all the wonderful DT members from 2014 to 2019!!  You really are the best of the best.

On top of all that, Donna deserves a special thank-you for having gone above and beyond as this blog's generous and dedicated coordinator (She wrote and scheduled all the challenge posts and winners announcements, which is a very taxing thing in terms of focus and patience, not to mention it requires meticulous attention to detail plus an organized mind.  And she would get up early and check to make sure each link was active and working - this can be such a tedious job - and commented without fail to both her teammates' posts and all the entrants' posts with thoughtful, individualized comments!!!), team coordinator (for both Aurora DT and Stella DT), den-mother to all designers who came and went, and den-sister to many, and most importantly, my advocate/confidant/counselor/best friend so I could stay sane on more than one occasions over the years, whenever things got a little crazy.  Good times.  Thank you so much, Donna, for being so incredibly generous with your time and talent... and being the awesome person you are!!

Traditionally, today's new challenge would have been our anniversary challenge, and the theme would have been 'Sprite Delight VI', with a freebie digi for all participants. I suppose I could have quietly let this go without a fanfare, but me being the recklessly optimistic and relentlessly fun-loving type, I wanted to say 'good-bye' to our challenge blog with a freebie digi while saying 'thank you' to all the friends and supporters, who played in our challenges with amazing projects, who thought about playing (but never got around to), or who watched warmly from the sideline and cheered on.  Please accept my humble gift of Birthday Cake Sprite today.  I will leave her here for two weeks.  Feel free to direct your friends to this post, but please PLEASE please DO NOT directly share by means of emailing, posting the digi file on social media, and so on that would violate my copyright or the Terms of Use that apply to all AW digis.

Right-click to save to your computer.
This gift digi will be removed at the end of this month.

UPDATE: This digi is no longer available for download here.

Hope you find this baby fun to color and get to use her on a birthday card project for years to come.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention something extra fun!  Below, you will find discount codes for digis and PDF bundles, BUT... if you're one of the first 50 people to make a lucky guess on a SECRET COUPON CODE, you'll get a whopping 40% OFF on a digi order total (merchandise total, not including tax) of $20 USD or more.  This is a special-occasion-only kind of discount, that I only give out during party events.  HINT: The code is made up of two words (no space) totaling 12 characters.  HINT #2: What is the name of the freebie Sprite above?  Have fun shopping~!

All right, then!  Hope to see you around at the FB group as before!  Thank you again for the five fab years with us at Aurora Wings Challenge Blog.



DonnaMundinger said...

Gosh, you got me all teary eyed now and for once I'm actually speechless. Thank you so much for everything, Mitzi and the entire AW family. It's been a pleasure and a privilege. Hope everyone still connects in our Group on FB. See you there. xxD

Lynn (aka Lynnpenguin) said...

I am so sad to read this post, but so grateful that I found AW a few years ago; was able to be a Guest Designer and also had AW as a sponsor on a blog I used to run. Thank you for sharing your talent with us all Mitzi. I have seen such changes in recent months so I guess this just means things will be "different" I wish you all the best and will see you on FB!!!

Laine said...

A beautifully written post from a lovely lady. Thank you so much Mitzi for being such an inspiration and to Donna for all of your support. Thank you also for the fabulous freebie.

marion said...

What a lovely last post and thank you so much for the adorable freebie, it is another stunning and sweet sprite, which I so love and adore. Glad to have been part of this challengeblog as DT Stella from start till end. Thank you so much for having me and allowing me to be part of your DT. It has been an honour and a fun ride, big hugs, x, Marion

Crea Astrid said...

What a pity that the blog is going to stop. I have always enjoyed taking part in the Challenge and have looked at the wonderful creations that the DT has always made with the beautiful digi's. Thank you also for the beautiful free digi, which you have now placed here. I am very pleased with that.
Unfortunately I don't have Facebook.
I wish you all the best.

Hugs, Astrid.

Nicola Gold said...

I am so sad to see the close of the challenge blog, but very honoured to have been a guest designer and very grateful for the gorgeous freebie.
Thank you fabilfab Mitzi xxx

Nicola Gold said...

OMG stupid autocorrect 🙄 I swear it's getting worse. Not gonna delete that though as I'll have to type it all again

Lori Podolsky said...

OMG, I just saw this!! I am so very sad to hear about this, Mitzi. I have always enjoyed entering your wonderful challenges and looked forward to them. And, I had the pleasure and privilege of being a GD twice! I will miss these challenges so much. I have had some difficult times lately and now this. I want to cry. I wish you all the very best always. Heartfelt thanks for the sweet and endearing little sprite. I also want to wholeheartedly thank sweet Donna for all her help and efforts in helping me enter the challenges because I didn't have a blog until last year. Thanks to you both, I had the courage to start my blog. Sending you big hugs. Lori xoxoxo

Bonnie Lynn said...

I'm so sad to read this post but totally understand too. I just wish my health would have let me participate in more challenges. :( Thank you for the sprite and for everything you've done for all of us.

Teresa said...

I am sad to see this challenge blog go as it was always so very inspiring, but as you stated, times change and you are probably right to close it. Many thanks to you Mitzi for having me both as a team member and guest designer on several occasions - it was always a pleasure and honour to work with you art and alongside so many other talented people. Some of my favourite projects of all time feature your designs. I am glad that you gave Donna special mention - she is indeed a wonderful friend and worked tirelessly to keep the AWCB running smoothly. I am happy to hear that your business will continue as normal in all other areas and look forward to seeing future showcases. All the best, Teresa xx

Dawn Sirdefield said...

I am so so sad about the challenge blog closing down. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I could ever be part of this fabulously talented Design Team. Fortunately, Mitzi asked me to become a DT member - I remember reading the email and thinking I must be dreaming. So thank you Mitzi for asking me, it was truly an honour to be able to create projects using your fabulous images. I have made some lovely friends during my short time with the team and I just know they will be forever friends. So, not goodbye but farewell and see you at the AW Facebook page. With much love, a few tears and a bucket full of gratitude. Xxxxxxxxxxxx

Suze said...

I'm so sad to see this challenge blog closing. I haven't been able to join in a challenge for a little while due to work pressures but was looking to joining in again soon! Thank you to everyone involved in this challenge blog for making it such a wonderful challenge. Thank you Mitzi for the wonderful freebie - such an amazing gesture. Sadly, I won't be able to join you on Facebook as I am not on there. Best wishes to all.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Oh! Mitzi, how very sad that the challenge is closing, I'm not an every time entrant, but love your images and the challenge you always give. I salute your genius images and your generosity. I am SO glad we will still be able to buy your images. Good luck in your future ventures and thank you for the gorgeous little birthday Sprite.
Big Hugs
Faith x said...

Sorry to hear your challenge blog is closing, I will still follow on Facebook. You team have done an awesome job and I would like to add my thanks to all of them and also to you for the super gift and the fabulous prizes. I will look forward to continue visiting the Showcase Blog for inspiration.
Good luck and thank you all

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

I am so sad to see this blog challenge close Mitzi. I haven't been able to enter as often as I would have liked; but I always buy your images to support you and your awesome talent as an artist. I had hoped to be on your DT in the future; but maybe there is still hope and you will return at a later date. I am very happy to hear that you are not closing your doors. You are a wonderful talented generous sweet loving lady and deserve the best of everything in life. Maybe you can have challenges on the Facebook group. A lot of artists still do that. Thanks as always for your codes for us to save in our purchases of your lovely images. Thank you for this adorable image as well. Good luck and hopefully you will be able to continue creating new images as you have been doing. You are such a gifted/talented artist and I love you and your images. Take care and keep in touch with all of us. Thanks for letting us know what is happening. Hugs, Gloria

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

Thanks so much Donna and all the DT who have supported Mitzi all of these years. You are fabulous! Please keep in touch. Hugs, Gloria

Catz said...

While I didn't really play along in the challenge blog much I am sorry you are closing it. I am and always will be a fan! I always peek in on everyone whether I say much or not. I love you to pieces lady and you've had a top notch team. I will still be following you. Hugs,

Myndi said...

Thank you, Mitzi, for inviting me to be a part of your design team and trusting me to make pretty things with your art! Donna IS amazing, and I'm in awe of her commitment to this blog and making sure it was always running smoothly. I will miss the challenge blog, but I'll still be around waiting eagerly for new images. ❤❤❤❤

Pssequimages said...

Mitzi, it has been an honor to have been able to play on the Blog Challenges, and to serve as one of your Guest Designers. The inspiration you and your team have shared over the years of the challenge blog has been inspiring and amazing. A very special personal thanks too, to Donna and Debbie.
Mitzi, your incredibly beautiful artwork always lifts our spirits AND grows our talent and skills as we color and enjoy the projects we create with it. Yes, it will be different without the challenge blog, but NO it will be just as wonderful to continue to receive all your promotionals and to see what new things you are designing...and to keep up my own blog always linking to your store as I play.
YOU BET I surely will keep an eye out for new contests, special events and the Showcase Blog inspiration. Relax, rejuvenate and revive, ladies. What a wonderful time you have shared.

Sonya van Stee said...

Well, this was a sad post to read today. I have absolutely LOVED getting to know Aurora Wings and many of the designers through this challenge blog. I have managed to play along a few times, but not as often as I would have liked. I'm very glad that your store and FB group will still be up and running. You do beautiful work, Mitzi! You're fabulous, and your work is beautiful!

Jody Rolo said...

A bittersweet post indeed. Thank you Mitzi, Donna, et al. for bringing us the AWCB. I was honoured to be a Guest Designer and will treasure that feeling forever. Thank you for the sweet sprite and I look forward to seeing your future designs. Love your art Mitzi, and love being part of such a wonderful community! ((HUGS))

Creepy Glowbugg said...

What a sad, yet beautifully articulated last post, Mitzi. I know it wasn't easy to come to this decision, but the times, they are a changin'.
I will always cherish my time on your DT, and all of the inspiration and friendships, too. And don't even get me started on Donna... If I hadn't actually seen her horns in person, I'd swear she was an angel, too. She is amazing in so many ways, for so many reasons. Most of all of which you covered already.
Here's to the future of Aurora Wings!!
Love to you!

NanaConnie said...

I'm so sad to hear the challenges are closing. :-( I fell in love with each and every sprite as they came along and Birthday Cake is no exception. I'll definitely be around on FB and am so glad the store is staying open. Good luck with all your future pursuits, Mitzi and thanks for having me as a GDT waaaay back when. :-D

kumukala said...

Whew! I thought you were closing and was devastated, then I got to the "NOT CLOSING THE STORE" in capital letters and was So Relieved! I think I was able to enter the challenge only once - life just gets in the way of so many things. However, I have been a supporter of the DT and all the amazing entries and work that I have seen from others. Donna is an amazing person and her creations are out-of-this-world! I look forward to many more wonderful inspirations from her and the rest of the DT and fellow Facebook members!

Sharman said...

You scared me there for a minute Missy. So glad that you are not closing down. Totally understand closing the challenge portion of your business. Life gets in the way sometimes and we all become very busy. Although I have not participated in much of anything (Personal reasons) lately, I always stay on top of what is going on here. I have been with you from the very beginning and love all that you do. Best of luck with whatever you do and thank you to Donna. your right, she has been a rock star......

applejack cards by sue said...

Thank you so much Mitzi.. such a beautiful image. I tried to tell my friends to visit your blog and my post was blocked by facebook! What on earth is going on? Am I a danger to others? I hate changes that do no-one any good. I wish you all the best in which ever way you take your business. xx

Annemi said...

What a wonderful person you are Mitzi.. I'm for one is honored to have been able to be one of your dt's. You are so kind to us and you draw the most amazing pictures for us all to color and I agree.... Donna is a superhero in my eyes... She has been a mom to us all. Hugz

Tindaloo said...

Thank you so much for the gorgeous birthday sprite Mitzi! ♥ And thank you and the DT's for all the wonderful creative inspirations ♥ ♥ ♥ Although I only rarely participated I am a big fan of your artwork, and have enjoyed seeing and reading the bloposts, so I am very happy this was not a closing down entirely post :)

(AJ) ArtJypsy said...

I am sorry to hear that this challenge is closing.. But when one door closes another will open .. I am glad to hear that the store, showcase blog and facebook group will still be around (^_^) .. Thank you for this cute Birthday Cake Sprite..

Wendy said...

I'm sorry to see the blog challenge closing but totally understand that things change with time. I am so happy that I was able to be on the design team for a short time. Great bunch of people here and at the Facebook Page. Thank you for the birthday sprite Mitzi. I hope you will continue to draw! Good luck with your future endeavors!

kipekr said...

I'm sorry that your Challenge Blog is closing, but happy that your other activities continue. I love your images and would be devastated if it would not be possible to buy them anymore.
Thank you so much for the Birthday Cake sprite, she's adorable and also thank you for the discount.
Hugs, Kirsten

Donna Yates said...

Sad to see the end of the challenges but I understand. I have just uploaded the Easter images as I am calling them, on to the page. Everybody loves them so I will direct them your way. Thanks for the birthday cake sprite too. X

Julie Reed said...

How very sad that the challenge blog is closing, I loved being a part of the team, one of the best and frendliest ones I have been a part of and so much of that is down to Donna and the rest of the lovely ladies on the DT and of course you Mitzi and your wonderful images.
Love and hugs to you all xx

CaroleAnn said...

I was so sad to read this but then was immediately elated that you are not closing your shop!!! I totally understand the decision and so happy for you that the other activities can continue. Your artwork is outstanding and I have so many of your images yet to color. I loved your challenge blog and your DT members were outstanding with their beautiful creations!!! I won a number of your Artist Choice Awards which I display with great pride on my blog. You were always so kind to leave such inspiring comments too! You are indeed a special person, I wish you the best, will keep you in my prayers, and look forward to visiting your shop again in the near future! Big Hugs!

Tazmadazz said...

So sorry to see the blog go. I still check it out sometimes and am going to miss it. I'm glad that the group and store will remain open, as Love your digis!! Thank you to the Design Team members for all your wonderful work and the support you give Mitzi!! And thank you Mitzi for the sweet Digi Sprite!!

Nélida Cordón said...

So sorry to read this, Mitzi! But glad to know the Fb group will continue.
Thank you and the fab DT ladies

Cindy N. said...

Thank you so much for the lovely Sprite. I am sure the fun is not over - as you wrote, a window will perhaps open. Hugs.

Jacq said...

What a moving last post! Sorry to hear you're closing the challenges but totally understand!

Thank you for the little birthday sprite, she's adorable! I'll still look forward to seeing you in my mailbox!

Thanks to Donna for introducing me to AuroraWings!

Unknown said...

Very sad to read this...Thank you so much Mitzi for all the blog challenges and thank you Donna for helped me to participate at them (because I don't have a blog)

Jennifer Scull said...

thank you for the adorable image!
I wasn't able to play along in your fun challenges as often as I would have liked due to some health issues over the past few years, but I know you have an incredibly talented team of designers here. I no longer have a Facebook account, so will look forward to hearing from you via the newsletter. I wish you and your team all the best! :)

caroline said...

So sorry to see your challenge go, I haven't been able to play along for a few year now but have many of your images that I still colour and my mum makes into cards for family.

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